Is Baltimore Harbor Swimmable?

Is the Harbor safe for swimming?

Yes, but not at any place or at any time.

During the swim season, Waterfront Partnership samples the Inner Harbor daily (M-F) using the same methods used for testing swimming beaches in Maryland. Results consistently show the Harbor meeting the swimming standard during dry weather. As with other activities, swimming in an open body of water requires a personal assessment of risks and benefits. Following the beach swimming standard can greatly reduce but never eliminate risk. Waterfront Partnership recommends that swimming only take place during scheduled events at designated locations.

Routine monitoring has found that water in the Harbor meets the Maryland standard for swimming on most dry weather days. As with any large body of open water, there are important factors to consider before swimming:

Can I swim anywhere I want?

No, as with any large body of open water, there are important factors to consider before swimming.

These include water quality, weather, boat traffic, and polluted sediment.

Boat Traffic
The Baltimore Harbor has many uses including industrial ports and recreational marinas. Swimming should take place during a coordinated event that ensures participants are kept safe from boat traffic.

Polluted Sediment
Like many urban waterways (including those with swimming), the sediment at the bottom of the Harbor contains legacy pollutants that should not be stirred up. That means swimming only in areas deep enough to prevent contact with the bottom of the Harbor.

Wet Weather
Just like every public beach in Maryland, swimmers should avoid contact with the water for at least 48 hours after a rain event. This is because rain carries pollutants off the land and into the water where they take time to dissipate.

While routine monitoring has found that the water in the Harbor meets the Maryland beach standard on dry weather days, Waterfront Partnership recommends that swimming only take place during scheduled events at designated locations, like the Harbor Splash!

Isn’t The Harbor Too Polluted For Swimming?

For over a decade, the Healthy Harbor Initiative has been championing the goal of a swimmable, fishable Baltimore Harbor. During that time, a core group of non-profits, educational institutions, government officials, and business leaders worked together to clean up the Harbor. This group brought Mr. Trash Wheel to life, invested over $1 billion in sewer upgrades, passed critical legislation, and conducted extensive water monitoring. As a result, sanitary sewer overflows have been reduced by 97%, over 450 tons of litter is removed from the water each year, plastic bags and foam containers have been banned, and the Harbor now meets the Maryland standard for swimming beaches on dry weather days.

How Can I Find Water Monitoring Results?

During the swim season, Waterfront Partnership monitors five sites in the Inner Harbor daily (M-F) using the Maryland beach standard for swimming. Results are posted every weekday at

Got More Questions? We Got More Answers

Send us your questions and concerns about swimming in the harbor. Our city has a core group of non-profits, educational institutions, government officials, and business leaders working together to clean up the Harbor who would also be happy to answer your questions!

Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore

The Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, in collaboration with our government, business, and community partners, creates a clean, green, safe, sustainable, and thriving urban waterfront for all to enjoy.

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