Resources & Documents

Reports & Technical Documents

  • Inner Harbor Promenade - State of Good Repair Report

    Published – 2022

    Prepared by RK&K Civil Engineering, LLP

    A Condition Assessment of the Inner Harbor Promenade from the Rusty Scupper Restaurant to Pier 6.

  • MEMO: Baltimore Inner Harbor Promenade Sea-Level Rise & Coastal Flooding Considerations

    Published – 2023

    Prepared by SCAPE Landscape Architecture DPC

    This report provides context for planning-level decisions based on existing sea level rise projections and flooding data within the Inner Harbor study area.

  • Waterfront Promenade Report

    Published – 2023

    Prepared by Waterfront Partnership for the Baltimore City Department of Planning

    This document, prepared at the request of the Baltimore City Planning Department, attempts to outline the current and future challenges of managing and maintaining the promenade.

  • Chronology - Inner Harbor & Charles Center Projects & Metrocenter

    Publish – 1992

    Prepared by Waterfront Partnership & City of Baltimore Development Corporation

    This document is a chronology regarding the development of theInner Harbor, Charles Center, and the Central Business District.

  • Inner Harbor 2.0 - Summary

    Published – 2013

    Prepared by the Watefront Partnership, Greater Baltimore Committee, Baltimore City, & Ayers Saint Gross Architects + Planners

    To provide a new dynamic vision for the Inner Harbor, this master plan looks to build upon the successes of the original 1970’s plan, while providing bold new ideas. The overall intent is to provide a visionary and realistic plan which can be implemented as funds are available.

  • Inner Harbor 2.0 - Master Plan

    Published – 2013

    Prepared by the Watefront Partnership, Greater Baltimore Committee, Baltimore City, & Ayers Saint Gross Architects + Planners

    To provide a new dynamic vision for the Inner Harbor, this master plan looks to build upon the successes of the original 1970’s plan, while providing bold new ideas. The overall intent is to provide a visionary and realistic plan which can be implemented as funds are available.

WPB Annual Reports

Healthy Harbor Report Cards