Earth Week on the Waterfront: Wildlife Gardening at the Harbor
Waterfront Partnership led two groups of volunteers from BGE and Constellation for Earth Week, exploring urban ecology, habitat features, and ways to fight climate change through Wildlife Gardening!
Two mighty groups of volunteers from Constellation Energy and BGE got a chance to get their hands dirty as they worked to help maintain two native pollinator gardens at the Waterfront. Constellation Energy has been a long-time steward of Professor Trash Wheel’s rain garden at Harris Creek Park in the Canton community. Dozens of volunteers worked to refresh this five-year-old garden, filled with hundreds of native plants that help capture and filter polluted stormwater runoff.
BGE volunteers learned about these important native host plants, what they can plant at home to help increase biodiversity, and how to sheet mulch! Sheet mulching is a no-dig method of installing a new garden bed by adding layers of cardboard and mulch on top, planting directly into the mulch.
From native plants to insect hotels the Waterfront has more than 10 acres of green space that provides hands-on learning opportunities for our corporate stakeholders and the public. We are grateful to BGE and Constellation for your continued support and for keeping our gardens growing gorgeous!