Van Reiner Pollinator Garden adopted by Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley has adopted two of the Inner Harbor’s many Wildlife Gardens and brings dozens of volunteers to each to discover the magic of conservation gardening and learn practical tips for home gardens and stoops.  

Waterfront Partnership leads Wildlife Workshops free to the public every third Saturday at Rash Field Park from June to November. Meet an urban ecologist and learn about what plants and habitat features you can create to support pollinators from a flower pot on your stoop to a garden in your yard!

Recommended Reading material for more information on Wildlife Gardening: 

“...humans now occupy or have seriously altered nearly all of the spaces outside our parks and preserves. Each of us carries an inherent responsibility to preserve the quality of earth's ecosystems. When we leave the responsibility to a few experts (none of whom hold political office), the rest of us remain largely ignorant of earth stewardship and how to practice it. The conservation of Earth's resources, including its living biological systems, must become part of the everyday culture of us all, worldwide.”

Douglas W. Tallamy, Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard

If you are interested in corporate or community volunteer opportunities and ways to stay engaged at the waterfront, please email

To learn more about conservation gardening, click here to sign up for our monthly Wildlife Gardening Workshops! Buy native plants for your own garden at our favorite place nursery in Baltimore, the Herring Run Nursery located at 6131 Hillen Road.

Want to help keep Wildlife Gardening FREE? Click here!


Birding in Birdland with the Baltimore Bird Club


Volunteers from Morgan Stanley learn the “The Chelsea Chop!”