Mr. Trash Wheel’s 10th Anniversary: A Night at the Trashseum

Mr. Trash Wheel 10th Anniversary

Mr. Trash Wheel’s 10th Anniversary: A Night at the Trashseum was an incredible celebration held at the historic Public Works Experience in Harbor East. Over 400 guests explored a decade of environmental achievements and Trash Wheel artifacts at the Trashseum. One of the evening's highlights was a Trashion Show led by the talented Fluid Movement, showcasing creativity and sustainability in fashion in honor of the Trash Wheel family.

The night also came alive with the fantastic beats of DJ eDDible, creating a vibrant atmosphere that resonated throughout the event. Our 25 dedicated volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure the evening was a success, providing support ranging from the Check-In Station all the way to Seed Ball Making. We also extend our appreciation to our sponsors Pompeian, Constellation, and Rivers are Life, whose generous support made this night possible. Here’s to the next decade of trash collection in Baltimore Harbor! 


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