Ice Rink 2023 Season
November through January, Baltimore’s downtown comes alive with festive joy. At the Inner Harbor Ice Rink, silver skates glide across a glowing white icy surface, the cold air warmed by a collection of smiles and laughter, all against the bustling backdrop of our waterfront promenade. This rink is a landmark of Baltimore’s holiday season, and this year brought unforgettable events and excitement to its surface.
This rink season was made possible by generous sponsorship from Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds and Pearlstone Family Fund, our rink operators Magic Ice USA, and our partnership with Premium Parking, who increased accessibility. Throughout the season, we were joined on the ice by 20,149 skaters. People of all ages and skating abilities came out to get a little winter outdoor recreation in and catch some iconic waterfront views! Among our skaters were local school and community groups including The Crossroads School, Liberty Rec Center, Thomas Jefferson Elementary/Middle School, Johns Hopkins, and Higher Achievement Baltimore, who brought students downtown to enjoy a day on the ice.

The rink opened for the season under a beautiful, cloudless blue sky on November 11th. After 2 months of family outings, Friends of the Rink events, visits from Santa, and skates under the golden twinkle lights, the rink had its last day on a chilly January 15th, with skaters coming through the snow to get one last glide in.
We already can’t wait for next season! How about you? Sign up for our mailing list to be the first to find out when the rink reopens in 2024.