Oyster Gardening Begins
We kicked off another oyster gardening season this past week, with oyster cage instillations at 8 different sites in Fells Point, Harbor East, and the Inner Harbor.

A big thank you goes to our volunteers from Morgan Stanley, WRA, Franklin Templeton, Brown Advisory, T.Rowe Price, Constellation, BGE, and RKK for helping out!
What is the Great Baltimore Oyster Partnership?
We, along with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Baltimore businesses and residents like you, have come together to form the Great Baltimore Oyster Partnership.
In this program, baby oysters are grown at designated oyster garden locations in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, September through June. At the end of the season, the matured oysters are taken by boat to a protected oyster sanctuary in the Patapsco River, where they will live out the rest of their lives.
In addition to restoration, the goal of the Great Baltimore Oyster Partnership is to train its volunteers to become community scientists and oyster advocates who can speak to others about the pollution challenges facing the Baltimore Harbor and the role that oysters play in improving water health.