What's Next For Rash Field Park? Phase II Public Feedback Now Open

PHASE I of Rash Field Park was constructed with community involvement from neighborhoods across Baltimore apparent throughout its design. Though several years away from construction, PHASE II will be conceptualized with input from the same communities. Want to add to this vision for Rash Field Park? We want to hear from you!

The Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore was founded to create 'a clean, green, safe, sustainable, and thriving urban waterfront for all to enjoy'. The term 'for all' was a part of Rash Field Park’s core philosophy as members representing Baltimore’s diverse communities provided their opinions regarding the design and use for PHASE I. Each valued perspective shaped the look of PHASE I and how the final design would serve as a recreational hub, communal meeting place for residents citywide and a harborside event space to be used all year long by everyone. It has given a new face to the redevelopment efforts that can be seen in all corners of our beautiful Harbor.

The Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore’s vision for Rash Field Park began with the people it was meant to welcome long before its planning started–you. In 2015, Annapolis-based market research firm Opinion Works assisted the Waterfront Partnership in gaining the community's perspective on Rash Field Park’s redevelopment by holding meetings in large theaters seating over 1,000 and into individual groups around small tables with honest, open dialogue furthering this groundbreaking conversation. All ideas presented were taken into consideration as Baltimore City, the State of Maryland, Baltimore Gas & Electric and private funders began contributing to the $16.8 million project. The ripple effect of active involvement by community members and donors has led to a completed Rash Field Park that currently attracts a daily average of 897 visitors during the week and just over 1,200 on the weekends. This is all a part of the Baltimore Inner Harbor 2.0 restoration plan to serve as a new beacon for a city entering a renaissance. Early signs of increased attendance are proving that to be true.

Surveys taken by WPB Guides and with electronic visitor counters over the past few months highlights the increase of visitors to the Inner Harbor which many anticipated once Rash Field Park opened to the public. Nearly 2,100 visitors came to the park on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend from the neighborhoods close by such as Downtown, Riverside, Otterbein and Federal Hill as well as communities from further away like Westport, Homestead-Montebello, Harbor East, West Baltimore, Parkville, South Baltimore, Charles Village and Lexington Terrace. This blend of Baltimoreans, along with the Marylanders from across the region and guests front out-of-state, seen during this holiday weekend is a great sign of the social, recreational, commercial and environmental future taking shape on the Waterfront. A great sign for entrepreneurs from all over Charm City.

PHASE I of Rash Field Park creates a new destination for food trucks, local  vendors, and talented performers ready to display their craft to those visiting the park. New programming at the Inner Harbor Amphitheater is currently showing the yet-to-be tapped potential of Rash Field Park. Events like the Baltimore By Baltimore Festival Series are quickly proving to be a successful example of what happens when residents and visitors rediscover the Inner Harbor–its landscape, the people and the views–along with giving them the opportunities to support and engage directly with local businesses. The enlivening of the amphitheater and along the promenade speaks to the upwardly trending rapport Rash Field Park promotes for the area with its open recreational design and multi-use functionality. This level of engagement is what entices  guests to want  to come down to enjoy the Inner Harbor on a regular basis. 

PHASE I of Rash Field Park was constructed with community involvement from neighborhoods across Baltimore apparent throughout its design. Though several years away from construction, PHASE II will be conceptualized with input from the same communities who lent their voices to assist in the continued modernization of the Inner Harbor. The ideas presented and considered by Baltimoreans ranged from freestanding exercise equipment, an athletic field for play and other items that promote an active lifestyle.

The Rash Field Park Development Public Meeting & Ice Cream Social was a gathering that restarted the process towards completing the highly-anticipated PHASE II this past Wednesday. At Rash Field Park’s state-of-the-art BGE Pavilion, residents were able to view the proposed sketches of PHASE II while enjoying the sweet, chilled scoops of Taharka Brothers Ice Cream that left many in attendance wanting pints. This was a chance for communities to connect with each other and meet the flourishing new wave of small businesses defining this bright chapter happening in our city. 

Want to add to this vision for Rash Field Park?

We want to hear from you!

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edit: Survey has conculded


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